Regular price Rs. 3,650.00Explore this splendid multi-panel dress. It has a special combination of vibrant Ajrakh prints set against a solid black backdrop. Designed in our signature A-line cut, the dress flows gracefully while offering a flattering silhouette. The centerpiece showcases exquisite boota patchwork of Ajrakh blocks, adding a unique artisanal touch that celebrates traditional craftsmanship. Perfect for any occasion, this dress is a stunning addition to your wardrobe.
Ajrakh Multi-Print Fabric with Solid Black Accents
Wash Care:
Hand wash separately in cold water using mild detergent. Dry in shade to maintain the vibrancy of the prints and the quality of the fabric.
Multi-Color Ajrakh Prints with Solid Black
Importer Name: Vishnu
Country Of Origin: India
Address: Vishnu 26-B, Khan Market, New Delhi-110003