Regular price Rs. 3,650.00The stunning long A-line dress features a unique combination of multi-panel Ajrakh prints in vibrant colors, contrasted beautifully with solid blue fabric. The signature A-line cut offers a flattering silhouette, while the center showcases intricate boota patchwork of Ajrakh blocks, adding an artisanal touch. Perfect for those who appreciate traditional craftsmanship blended with contemporary design, this dress is ideal for festive occasions and stylish gatherings.
Ajrakh Multi-Print Fabric with Solid Blue Accents
Wash Care:
Hand wash separately in cold water with mild detergent. Dry in shade to maintain the richness of the colors and the integrity of the patchwork.
Multi-Color Ajrakh Prints with Solid Blue
Importer Name: Vishnu
Country Of Origin: India
Address: Vishnu 26-B, Khan Market, New Delhi-110003